How to reference a git repository


What should the actual path to a git repository 'file' be? It's common practise when cloning from github to do something like:

git clone

And I'm used to that.

If I init a repo on my local machine using git init, what is the 'git file' for me to reference? I'm trying tot setup Capifony with a Symfony2 project and need to set the repository path. Specifying the folder of the repository isn't working. Is there a .git file for each repository I should be referencing?


So for example, if I do the following:

mkdir /path/to/project
cd /path/to/project
git init

What should my path be to reference that git repo?

  • /path/to/project?
  • /path/to/project/?
  • /path/to/project.git?
  • /path/to/project/.git?


So this is an excerpt from the Capifony config:

set   :application,   "My App"
set   :deploy_to,     "/var/www/"
set   :domain,        ""

set   :scm,           :git
set   :repository,    ""

role  :web,           domain
role  :app,           domain, :primary => true

set   :use_sudo,      false
set   :keep_releases, 3

I need to set my repository to a local repo, which I've been trying to do with all combinations of the previous paths like:

set   :repository,    "file:///c:/path/to/repo.git"

But no path works to my (valid) git repo?

Best Answer

When you use the command git init it initiates an repository in the folder your bash is located at that moment. It will create a folder .git and all the folders and files that belong to the same parent folder might be added to the git repository.


git init command

Will result in:

folder schema for a git repository

Realize this is an hidden folder.


To push to a local repository you will need to create a second repository using the command git init --bare, it will make the repository pushable. Let's consider you created the second repository at c:/path/to/repo, so, it will have the .git folder in it.

With your bash at the first git repo, use git remote add origin file:///c:/path/to/repo.

Then push the first repo to the origin by using push origin --all, it will push to the second repo you created.

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