Master does not appear to be a git repository error


I've inherited a position and instructions for creating a new git repository. Unfortunately I've run into problems and no one here knows what to do. Hoping someone can help me out.

Here are the instructions I was left:

Create a new repository:

  1. For these steps you need to be in the gitosis-admin repository, if you don't have it, in a suitable parent folder do: git clone
  2. Edit gitosis.conf file – in gitosis-admin root, under [group base-repo] section, add the name of the new repo to the end of the "writable =" section.
  3. Commit change and push back to gitosis-admin master.
  4. For the next commands, my_new_project represents the name of your project
  5. mkdir my_new_project
  6. cd my_new_project
  7. git init
  8. Copy in any files you want to use to start the repo
  9. git commit -a -m "Initializing new repository"
  10. git remote add origin git@
  11. git push master
  12. git push master:qa

So I did 1 and 2, with no problem. It created a local folder on my machine called gitosis-admin. I edited the gitosis.conf file as indicated. But when I try to do step 3 (which I assume is git push gitosis-admin master) bash tells me that

fatal: 'master' does not appear to be a git repository

fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

"origin" is only the local NAME of the remote repository, it is not part of the command.

For example, you can write anything like:

git remote add fakeorigin

To delete a remote repo, type:

git remote rm origin


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