How to open PuTTY terminal directly, without configuration window


When you open PuTTY, the configuration window is shown:

enter image description here

Is there any way, to directly open its terminal, without that welcome (configuration) window? Where I can start typing the codes directly, like: ssh -p 80

Best Answer

If you just want to skip PuTTY configuration/login window:

putty.exe user@host -P port

Or, to open your existing stored session:

putty.exe -load "stored session name"

If you are looking for a console SSH terminal, use Plink from PuTTY package.

It has the same command-line syntax as PuTTY and similar to OpenSSH ssh:

plink -P port

(or again, you can use -load)

Or use OpenSSH ssh itself. There's now an official Microsoft build of OpenSSH for Windows.

On Windows 10 version 1803 or newer, you already have OpenSSH built-in. On older versions of Windows 10, it can be installed as an optional Windows feature. On older version of Windows, you can just extract the client-side tools from a .zip (latest release), no installation is need.

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