Windows – How to obtain and re-install Windows XP

reinstallwindows xp

I have a Dell desktop that has a sticker on the top with my Windows XP license info and product key. I would like to clean my hard drive and re-install XP so that I can sell the desktop. The problem is that I do not have the original Windows XP installation CD.

Any ideas on how I can acquire a new Windows XP installation program? I assume there is nothing legally wrong with this, since I would just reuse my existing product key.

Best Answer

Dell will normally send you any disks that originally came with your system if you contact them (personal experience has shown that if the system is in warranty they will give you the first replacement for free and if it’s out of warranty you will need to pay shipping charges).

This is the option I normally take for my customer’s as Dell will send driver CDs as well as the OS disks.

Use this link to request a set of Dell XP discs.