How to get IE8 to open a blank page with CTRL-N


When I used CTRL-N to open a new window with Firefox, it gives me a blank window (because I've set my start page to be blank).

How do I do the same thing with IE8? Using CTRL-N there opens a new window but it loads up the same page that was in the original window, even though the start page is set to about:blank.

This causes havoc when I'm on certain sites since those sites detect that I'm logged in twice and kick me out of both sessions.

Best Answer

Unfortunately, there is no setting to change the behavior of Ctrl-N.

What you want is done in IE with another command - also under "File" - called "New Session".

But then unfortunately, it seems as though IE 8's "New Session" feature does not have a hotkey.
Well, we can fix that with a separate hotkey program.

#IfWinActive ahk_class IEFrame
^n::Run, %PROGRAMFILES%\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe,,max
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