How to disable highlighting unsaved documents


By default, Notepad++ 6.1.4 highlights documents with unsaved changes.

I'm trying to disable this, since I'm using a dark theme and the highlighting is too bright and doesn't look good.

Does anyone know how to do this?

Best Answer

As far as I know, this feature cannot be disabled. However, you can edit the executable to replace the icon for unsaved documents with the icon for saved ones.

It's easier than it sounds:

  1. Download and install Resource Hacker.

  2. Close Notepad++ (if it's open) and launch Resource Hacker.

  3. Press Ctrl + O and open Notepad++'s executable.

    If it's installed in the default path, just paste %ProgramFiles%\Notepad++\notepad++.exe in File name and press Enter.

  4. Press Alt, A, I to open the Replace Icon ... dialogue.

  5. Under Select icon to replace, locate the icon for unsaved documents (502 in v 6.1.3).

  6. Press Ctrl + O and open Notepad++'s executable (notepad++.exe) again.

  7. Under Select new icon, locate the icon for saved documents (501 in v6.1.3).

  8. Press Alt + R to close the dialogue and Ctrl + S to save the executable.

  9. Restart Notepad++.

There's no need to make a backup copy of the executable, as Resource Hacker does this automatically.

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