Google-chrome – Javascript error console in Chrome


I know how to do it in Firefox – how do I see Javascript errors in Chrome?

Best Answer

You have following options:

  • Chrome: Press Ctrl+Shift+J (Cmd+Option+J on Mac) and it will give similar functionality. Also consider checking out JavaScript debugger in Chrome. Hitting F12 works as well.

  • IE7: Nothing built in. But have a look at IE Developer Toolbar.

  • IE8: Just hit F12 and you will get access to some very capable built-in tools. Error console is on Script tab.

  • Firefox: Just use FireBug.

  • Opera: Press Ctrl+Shift+I (Cmd+Option+I on Mac) to launch Opera Drangonfly which is a fully featured development and debugging tool integrated into the Opera browser.

  • Safari: Enable the Developer Menu from Safari's preferences. It will give access the various tools (Error Console, Web Inspector, JavaScript Profiler, etc). Of course there are also shortcuts, like Cmd+Alt+C for the console.