Google-chrome – Chrome: Hide Extension Errors in JavaScript Console


Is there a way to prevent extensions from showing up in the console of the developer tools window? It's annoying to be looking for JavaScript errors and have to ignore errors that are always there. I know from this question you can use Incognito mode, but I don't want to have to develop in a separate browser window with all of the shortcomings of Incognito mode.

If there isn't a good answer to this, how do I run down the offending extension, short of turning them off one at a time?

Best Answer

I realize this is an older question, but there is a better way than systematically disabling all your extensions to find out which one is throwing an error.

Hover the mouse pointer over the file name for the error in the console. You'll see a long string of gobbledygook. Part of that is an id that is unique for each extension. Take a moment and memorize the first few characters, in the image below they are pmejh:

screenshot of extension error in Chrome dev tools

Then go to your installed extensions at chrome://extensions and hover over each details link looking for a URL in the bottom left of the window that contains the characters you memorized.

enter image description here