Google-chrome – How to suppress chrome-extension:// output from Web Inspector’s console log


I don't wish to disable my extensions – after all they're there for development purposes – but I want to disable their output from the console in Web Inspector. Is there a way to do this?

N.B. a very similar question has been asked on StackOverflow, but it seems that question and its answers are leaning towards disabling extensions, which is not what I want (since I obviously use them for development) – I simply want to suppress their output from the console.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Firefox has a way to change the console logging level for specific extensions from about:config.

Chrome doesn’t have this capability. Your options:

  1. Filter out all messages from a particular source file by right-clicking the white (blank) part of console message line and choosing Filter > Hide Messages from foo.js. You can undo this filtering from the same menu later, if you wish. Chrome will remember to do this filtering for you until you disable it (even if you navigate somewhere else or restart Chrome).
  2. Override one or more console methods. This approach only affects the current scripting context. Chrome extensions run in their own isolated worlds with their own window objects, global scopes, and console objects. If you can’t edit the source code of the extension, you’ll need to paste and run your console-altering scripts in each extension’s execution context, and your modifications will only be in effect until the page is unloaded. You can change the console’s effective execution context using the dropdown at the bottom of the console that says <page context>. Note that any frames or iframes in the page also have their own execution contexts, accessible using the frame dropdown (initially set to <top frame>).