Google-chrome – Disable Google Now weather notifications only


I'm currently getting Google Now notifications on my Android phone, my OSX laptop, and my Windows 8.1. Sometimes these notifications are great, but most of the time it just shows me the weather. The weather notifications almost always come at inopportune times (the last two were right after I got to work, and at 3 AM), and are never helpful.

How can I disable the weather notifications without disabling the other notifications?

Best Answer

Go into the Google Now app and tap the three dots in the top-right corner of one of the weather cards. You'll get a pop-up that reads "Interested in weather updates for your location?" Tap "NO" and that should be it.

If that doesn't do it, go into the Google Calendar app, open the menu, and select "Calendars to Display." If the local weather is included in that list, uncheck the box next to it.

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