Google-chrome – Regularly getting ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED errors in Chrome


I'm regularly getting ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED errors in Chrome. It's usually when using Google, or other Google products (YouTube, Drive, etc.), but has also happen on other various sites, but less often than it appears to happen with Google's sites.

After a few refreshes, the request goes through just fine.

I have not experienced similar issues in other browsers (Firefox, IE.)

The biggest frustration is that I'm having trouble even debugging/understanding the problem. What does "Network changed" even mean? Can someone lead me in the right direction about where to even start? Could it be a problem related to IPv6? Network drivers?

As far as I know, nothing about my network connection changed prior to this becoming a problem. I've tried restarting Chrome, updating Chrome, and restarting computer, and the error continues to come up.

I'm running Windows 8.1, Chrome 34.0.1847.131 (in Desktop mode), which is currently the latest version of Chrome.

Here's a screenshot, in case this is helpful:

enter image description here

Best Answer

What worked for me (though I am not sure why) was to disable IPv6.

I saw this issue with Chromium, Slack and Discord on Arch Linux. Poking around on the net made me check my network settings. I ran watch -n 2 'ip address' and saw inet6 flapping between link tentative and link noprefixroute. This made me wonder if some IPv6 configuration on my network was to blame, since mtr attempts would result in no route to host after a few seconds.

Sure enough, the following commands completely resolved the ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED issues, and various HTTP requests frequently failing in chrome, slack and discord.

sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1
sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6=1

If someone were to know why this worked, and what I should be checking into to actually solve this problem, I'd be grateful. I hadn't updated my Internet gateway or system in a long time before this issue began occurring. Maybe my ISP is to blame?

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