Firefox – How to permanently disable the ‘This Connection is Untrusted’ page on Firefox


I'm going insane.

Can someone please help me to COMPLETELY DISABLE the 'This Connection is Untrusted' page on Firefox.


  • I am running Firefox 23.0 on an Ubuntu machine (downloaded and installed ubuntu today)
  • It is a work computer and I have to use my employer's proxy
  • While visiting Webpages/webapps like Gmail or Google brings up the 'This Connection is Untrusted' page and I have to go through the whole tedious task of selecting 'I understand the Risks' and add Exceptions, etc. etc. The fact is, I don't care about the risks. I would rather this computer melt into the ground than have to see that page ever again. I want to dance naked in untrusted pages and not give a damn about the consequences. I just never want to see that page again. Ever.
  • For some sites (eg. wikipedia), the css doesn't load and I end up seeing them in plain text. As a result these sites are completely useless. Wasted hours trying to solve this for
  • These issues happen on the Firefox on my Windows XP machine as well (also using the same proxy).

I don't want to export/import certificates or create exceptions for every site that shows this bloody page. I just want this page gone. I don't want Firefox to tell me what's safe and what's not.

Also, my system time and date are correct. I've also tried the lies on this page too with no good results.

Edit: I've also tried the whole going into the Advance->Certificates->validation setup page and unchecked 'Use the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) to confirm the current validity of certificates' checkbox. Nothing happened even after restarting firefox or rebooting.
I need help.


Best Answer

It's a really dangerous thing to do, because you will not be able to detect a Man-in-the-middle attack anywhere (at home, on a public wifi...)

The solution is to add the root certificate used by your entreprise proxy as a trusted authority (CA) in your browser, as described here :

To obtain the proxy certificate, click on the lock icon near the URL of an HTTPS page, click "View certificate", and on the windows click on your proxy's certificate (like here) then export it and proceed as explained above to import it as trusted CA.

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