Excel scatter chart, with grouped text values on the X axis

chartsmicrosoft excel

Apples   1
Apples   5
Apples   2
Bananas  1
Bananas  4
Bananas  6

I want two bars on the X axis (Apples, Bananas), but with crosses marking the points on the Y axis.

Here's a mockup:

enter image description here

I'd want 1 and 2 to be labelled "Apples" and "Bananas" respectively.

Best Answer

Based on your description, I think you could rearrange your data into a format like this.

apples  bananas
  1        1
  5        4
  2        6

Then, each row of the data could be considered as a single dataset with the same labels 'apples' and 'bananas'. You could then make the chart you want directly in Excel by trying with inserting a line chart.

But here I can give you another solution which directly draws the dot chart you want. What I did is using the Funfun Excel add-in, this add-in basically enables you to use JavaScript directly in Excel so you are able to use powerful JavaScript libraries like D3.js or Chart.js.

I made a chart with Funfun using Chart.js according to your problem, you could check the chart on the link below


You could also link the URL directly to your Excel. Here is how it looks in Excel.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Disclose: I'm a developer of Funfun