Excel – Get rid of extra space in cell when using Text Wrap

microsoft excelmicrosoft-excel-2007

When I type a long sentence (or more than one sentence) into more than one cell in a row and apply the Text Wrap option to these cells, the cells have an extra blank line on the bottom of them. There are no extra spaces after my text. I have put the cursor at the end of the text and used the Delete key.

My text is formatted to be aligned to the Top and Left.

  • The Auto Format Height option does not get rid of the extra blank line.
  • Adjusting the width of the cell doesn't help.
  • I tried copying/pasting the text into Notepad and then back into Excel to try to get rid of any formatting. That did not work.
  • I am not using Bold, Italic or any other font setting. I am using the default font when I am entering the text.
  • I have searched the Format Cells window. Nothing there gets rid of this extra blank line.

Is there some other setting I can use to get rid of this extra blank line? I realize that Excel isn't really made for word processing. But, I need to enter in comments on this sheet and use the Text Wrap feature.

I am using Office/Excel 2007 for Windows.

Best Answer

I was able to reproduce the behavior you are seeing (also in Excel 2007). I can't find a way to get rid of the extra space once it's there, but I found that if you reverse your steps and apply the Text Wrap in a cell prior to entering your text, you will not get the extra blank line.