Windows – How to Dump CMD Prompt Contents to File from Batch File

batch filecommand linewindows

So, I have this batch file that runs every morning at 7 AM and does some work in a Windows command prompt.

What I need this batch to also do is save the output of the cmd prompt work that was done into a text file so I can view its status. If the batch fails it's not critical, but I need to know about it.

If I could print the contents of the cmd prompt to a text file or email myself the results of the run that would be awesome.

Best Answer

You just need to add this to the end of whatever runs the batch file: > "c:\yourFile.txt"

(or >> "c:\yourFile.txt" if you want the results appended to the file without overwriting)

eg: c:\yourBatchFile.bat >> c:\yourLogFile.txt