Windows – Batch file process leaves extra command prompt open

batchbatch filewindowswindows 10

I have this batch file and it makes a batch file in the startup folder that opens a specific URL to a website. My problem is that whenever it runs it also leaves an empty command prompt open.

The batch script runs fine and it opens the website URL with the web browser, but it just leaves an additional CMD window open that I'd like not to occur.
Note: I am not asking how to run a CMD window in the background.

Here's the code:

@echo off

cd C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

echo @echo off > startup.bat

echo start (link) >> startup.bat

start startup.bat

Could someone help point out what I could change to resolve this issue?

Best Answer

You could use CALL and add the /MIN switch with the START command to keep it more hidden and ensure the CMD window disappears when running per the way you have the logic setup in your above example.

I made some quick adjustments and added this logic for you to have an exact example of what I used and confirmed works as you explain you need it to work.

Example Script

@echo off

CD /D C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

echo @echo off > startup.bat
echo START /MIN "" "">> startup.bat
echo EXIT /B>> startup.bat

CALL startup.bat

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