Windows – Cannot use Alt code for Unicode character insertion any more

alt-codeoperaunicodewindows 7

I've been using the Alt code for the ellipsis, 8230, for some time now, in several applications. A few days ago it stopped working, and & is displayed instead of when pressing Alt+8+2+3+0 (on numpad). This happened both on my desktop and on my laptop (where I use it with Fn). Both run on 64bit-Win-7 with code page 850, and both might have recently updated Windows and Opera 12.

What could be the reason this input method got disabled, and how do I switch it back?

By the way, I just found out that Alt+0+1+3+3 does work. Also I found out that Alt+8+2+3+0 still works in WordPad or MsWord10, but neither in Opera nor Notepad++ – there the character code is translated modulus 256 before insertion.

Best Answer

As far as I know, the Alt nnnn (nnnn decimal > 255) method is a RichEdit feature and therefore works on selected programs only, such as WordPad and MS Word. In other programs, the number entered, nnnn, is reduced modulo 256 to yield a number in the range 0...255, interpreted according to the code page in use.

Cf. to Insert Unicode characters via the keyboard? which describes some alternative methods. Unfortunately, the Alt + xxxx (xxxx hexadecimal; e.g., Alt + 2026 for “…” ) method is apparently disabled by default, and you need to modify Windows registry to allow it. In addition to the UnicodeInput utility, there is also Unicode Input by Name, but these methods are not quite as convenient for fast typing as Alt methods.