Linux – Can I run a minimalist web-server on the router without rewriting the firmware with DD-WRT


I read this article on that says that you can make a web-server on your router providing that you rewrite its firmware with a free DD-WRT, Tomato, or equivalent.

Leaving apart the fact there is no DD-WRT available for my router, I don't know if I would change the firmware.

Is it possible to make httpd run as a minimalist webserver without changing the firmware? This might mean that I need to have a file system in the RAM memory. I try to cat something >file I see the filesystem is obviously read-only, but it should have some writable parts, somewhere it needs to keep its settings!

If I connect with telnet to the router I see it already has in bin folder: httpd and ftpd, ftp binaries.

Also in /home/httpd/web/ has some html files but the filesystem is read-only.

The router is Sitecom WLM 2501.

Best Answer

Unfortunately, it is very unlikely you'll be able to modify the settings on the router sufficiently to work around its existing firmware.

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