Windows – Blank context menu items in Windows 10

context menuwindows 10windows-explorer

From time to time, and recently constantly, the context menu in Explorer on my Mac Pro running Windows 10 is missing most of the items – they are simply blank:

Missing or blank items from context menu in Explorer

I've also experienced that graphic disappears in other programs. In addition I've experienced a lot of application crashes in Visual Studio 2015 and Skype for Business 2016. Wondering if there is a connection.

I upgraded the machine from Windows 8. Not a clean install.

Edit: Disabling shell extensions

I followed this guide and ran ShellExView to disable any non-Microsoft shell extensions, but to no avail. Now the context menu is even funnier:

Slightly weirder context menu

Best Answer

Definitely a driver issue. Windows is displaying the appropriately sized list, its just the graphics incorrectly rendering.

Like cause: Windows 7/8 drivers on a Windows 10 system.

Reinstalling the latest drivers from your graphics card vendor should definitely resolve this.

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