Windows – 11GB Standby RAM File.. Low memory warning Battlefield 4. WIN 8.1

memorypagefilewindows 8.1

Hey I'm a computer enthusiast/programmer.

Problem: Low memory warning on a: when playing battlefield 4. It's to do with Virtual Memory.

Windows successfully diagnosed a low virtual memory condition. The following programs consumed the most virtual memory:
bf4.exe (4720) consumed 1562423296 bytes, 1.5GB
chrome.exe (10652) consumed 143052800 bytes, 0.1GB

Verdict: only 20% of ram is active. the rest 80% is standby ram. Should windows not clear it? and NOT USE SSD PAGEFILE?

enter image description here

My understanding of standby ram is that it is norm that 11GB will load. The 11GB could be anything.. movie files, programs, autocad. When you need to use them, it's already in fast RAM not the pesky slow HDD.

Thing is, 11GB Standby ram should be totally deleted if say BF4 needs working space. Is windows trying to move it to the 2GB SDD Pagefile?

Many thanks for your help!

Best Answer

Pathfinder, I have had a similar issue, but for whatever reason i need a certain amount of rep to even comment on your posts so I am forced to post, incorrectly, through this route.

you say you just ran windows update? I have tried windows update with no avail. the strange thing is, I can jump in the game, and sometimes it will try to crash the game claiming low memory, but I will be allowed to continue to play, on ultra, with 60-90fps no problem

also, please give me rep points so i can post in these forums correctly, it is beyond silly that I need 50 points to comment on other's solutions

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