Low ram in windows 8.1 update

memorypagefilewindowswindows 8.1

Recently I have so much problem with windows 8.1 updated I even reinstall new one but I still have the problem.

My problem is that with even 4 gig of ram my system goes on low ram and force closing chrome or Viber messenger or etc. It uses too much page file and disk and it is making me crazy.

I found Crysis on Windows 8.1 triggers low-memory warning

and Windows 8.1 Update 1 Disk Usage 100%.

I think we're on the same problem but disabling page file and not hibernating or disabling error dialog is not what solves the problem.

I need a main answer to make it work like as it is before.

My error is

windows 8.1 low ram problem

I installed this Windows like last 2 night but after one day and 19 hours it start low memory problem.

IDE is fine it uses 160MB ram and I have new project opened that just created
hare is more info
enter image description here
enter image description here
enter image description here
enter image description here

I got new error and it closed chrome. My chrome is (Version 37.0.2062.124 m (64-bit))
enter image description here

I forced to restart. Almost nothing worked and my screen went black. I just have task bar after restarting my page file changed to 3.4/52 GB but I still have 64% ram full with only (chrome net limiter task manager team viewer and some other simple program). It's somehow crazy.

Driver update

I updated all my drivers like 16 with driver pack solution and it seems that it is much better. I will test it again like 1 day and tell you how it is.

After updating driver I still have the same problem
I even uninstall Intel rapid storage technology but nothing.

I even customize page files put it in 1024 and 2048 but I still have problem.

I do not know what to do please help me I'm a programmer and I need my laptop like 8 hour a day and I can't continue like this.

I still have the same problem something eating my ram compare these images they're for the same time
I have 4 GB of ram but ….
enter image description here
enter image description here

Adding rammap record

Update committed size
hear is program by committed
committed sort
ram details

Best Answer

That warning is about low virtual memory and has nothing to do with physical memory (RAM). You can have plenty of RAM free, but reserved, and thus force the OS to refuse new allocations. You can usually solve this problem just by restoring paging file settings to their defaults.