MSOLEDBSQL Provider – Where Is the Driver for ‘MSOLEDBSQL’?


This has been going on. At first MS said they will not support TLS1.2 for OLEDB then they said, they will. You can read about it here, where they said, the support comes in March 2018

Now it looks like package has arrived. I installed it. Then I ran soft without change to connection string using old style Provider=sqloledb. That was expected to fail and it did. I changed to new style Provider=MSOLEDBSQL (see first link). And now I get

"The 'MSOLEDBSQL' provider is not registered on the local machine."

Ok. I didn't install provider after all. But I can't find it either. I thought, may be this is part of Native Client update. But that came out Jan 2018. I installed it, it didn't break anything, it didn't fix anything. Then I came across this provider that was just released. Installed it. This seem to be new ODBC version.

Bottom line, where do I get MSOLEDBSQL? Thank you

Best Answer

The new OLE DB driver, MSOLEDBSQL, was released today. This new driver includes the support for the latest TLS 1.2 standards and is backwards compatible with SQL Server Native Client 11 (SQLNCLI11). See the Microsoft SQLNCLi team blog announcement.