Undo DDL statement on View in Oracle


I Want to undo DDL changes on View, how to do that?

I have not set utl_file_dir parameter and can't restart the database to set it. So log miner can not be used yes? it needs this parameter… If there is any chance to use logminer without setting this parameter(without restarting database) ?

Waiting you suggestions, thank you

Best Answer

Depending on the version of Oracle and whether you have the appropriate privileges (FLASHBACK ANY TABLE) and if the change was relatively recent,

  FROM dba_views AS OF TIMESTAMP( systimestamp - interval '1' hour )
 WHERE owner = <<owner of view>>
   AND view_name = <<name of view>>

will give you the text of the view definition as of an hour ago. You can obviously adjust the flashback time to a timestamp just before the DDL you want to undo.