Find active values of SQLNET.ORA parameters on server


How can I find the active values of SQLNET.ORA parameters on the server?

I know how to find the SQLNET.ORA file but there's no guarantee the values in that file are actively used. Parameter changes may require restarting the listener and sometimes even restarting the database. For debugging I want a way to be 100% certain how the parameters are set, without restarting anything.

This is similar to this question, but I am looking for any method to find the current values. It doesn't have to be a SQL query.

Here's what I've tried so far that leads me to believe it's impossible:

  1. Tracing does not generate that data.
  2. There does not appear to be anything in the data dictionary.
  3. There's no information in the manual or
  4. Offered a bounty but no takers. (But I'll offer and award another bounty if anyone can answer this.)

Best Answer

Parameters set in the sqlnet.ora file are not exposed in any data dictionary table. You can't write a SQL query to find them.
