Mysql – What reason could cause AWS RDS connections to spike


It's my first time using RDS on AWS, I use a t2.medium instance running MySQL Aurora with default configs. The CPU usage and DB connections is quite normal until "something" happens, which causes the DB connections go all the way up to its maximum (with t2.medium it is 80 connections).

enter image description here

I only have one web app, running on an EC2 instance. When the DB connections reaches its maximum, the EC2 instance's CPU usage is absolutely normal (25-30%), but all attempts to connect to the DB instance results in "Too many connections".

enter image description here

I also checked the DB instance's CPU Utilization at the time — it was showing no signal of high load. During the strike time, CPU Utilization dropped to 20% and kept that rate consistently.

enter image description here

The thing I don't understand: DB connections is at its maximum, but why is DB CPU Utilization dropped? Shouldn't it be at its maximum as well because of the computation for the queries in those connections?

Please help me understand, thank you very much.

(I had to resize the RDS instance to r4.large when the second strike happens; I'm still running it now until I find out the problem…)

Best Answer

If you run show processlist; it'll show you all the connections that are running against your DB. Running show status like 'Conn%' can show how many connections are active

You may think that a high number of connections would increase the CPU but ultimately it depends what those connections are trying to accomplish, if they aren't doing much but are preventing you're main application from running their connections then the normal processing level will go down while you are not running your normal processes

The annoying thing is to be able to run the show processlist command you need to actually be connected to the DB which you wont be able to as you're at max connections.

A slight work around is to increase your max connections (if you're able to) and set up some monitoring somewhere that runs every so often (every 5 minutes would have caught that) and when you're over 50 connections, run a command that dumps out all the active connections somewhere so you can review later.