Mysql – Too Many database connections on Amazon RDS


We are having problems with users running queries/views in Drupal that occasionally cause our site to freeze. The freeze occurs because the query causes the number of database connections to go up to 400+ and basically anytime the site goes over 100 database connections the site slows down terribly and just doesn't respond.

We are running Amazon RDS using MySQL Red Hat Linux

We have a large enough EC2 on the front end app server, and a large enough RDS.

The way we are fixing this issue now is to find the offending query, and kill it. Once the query is killed…our database connections drop to around 20 which is the normal amount you see when monitoring the site statistics.

Is there a way to stop the offending query and kill it before it runs too long and consumes the connections? I am trying to automate the killing of the bad query before it happens, or at least realize after 30 seconds its a bad query and kill it.

Best Answer

Here is a Stored Procedure to kill long running SELECTs


DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `test`.`Kill_Long_Running_Selects` $$
CREATE PROCEDURE `test`.`Kill_Long_Running_Selects` (time_limit INT,display INT)

    DECLARE ndx,lastndx INT;

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test.LongRunningSelects;
    CREATE TABLE test.LongRunningSelects
        idtokill BIGINT,
        PRIMARY KEY (id)
    INSERT INTO test.LongRunningSelects (idtokill)
    SELECT id FROM information_schema.processlist
    WHERE user<>'system user' AND info regexp '^SELECT' AND time > time_limit;

    SELECT COUNT(1) INTO lastndx FROM test.LongRunningSelects;
    SET ndx = 0;
    WHILE ndx < lastndx DO
        SET ndx = ndx + 1;
        SELECT idtokill INTO @kill_id
        FROM test.LongRunningSelects WHERE id = ndx;
        CALL mysql.rds_kill(@kill_id);

    IF lastndx > 0 THEN
        IF display = 1 THEN
            SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(idtokill) INTO @idlist FROM test.LongRunningSelects;
            SELECT @idlist IDs_KIlled;
            SELECT CONCAT('Processes Killed : ',lastndx) Kill_Long_Running_Selects;
        END IF;
    END IF;

END $$

To kill SELECTs running longer than 30 seconds, you run this

CALL test.Kill_Long_Running_Selects(30,0);

If you want to see the connections being killed, you run this

CALL test.Kill_Long_Running_Selects(30,1);

Perhaps you can create a MySQL Event to call this Stored Procedure every minute.

If Amazon does not let you have the EVENT privilege, you will have to write an external shell script on the EC2 server to connect to the DB and run the Stored Procedure. That shell script can be put into a crontab.

If Amazon does not let you have the PROCESS and SUPER privileges, you may need to move the DB out of RDS and into another EC2 instance running MySQL to accomplish this. You could then create the MySQL Event without Amazon's hosting restrictions.

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