Mysql – the optimal number of worker tasks to specify in MySQL Workbench for a speedy migration


What is the optimal number of worker tasks to specify in MySQL Workbench for a speedy migration?

The default is 2.

The MySQL server is running on the same Windows machine, installed with defaults. It has 8 vCPUs and 61GB memory.

Best Answer

There is a one worker per table limitation, so the maximum number depends on the number of tables you are migrating.


  • A decent maximum is the number of cores on your system
  • If you specify a large number but have fewer tables, then only the needed threads will be launched
  • If the network saturates, like maybe 20 tables with 20 workers, then the copy may actually be slower

So, there isn't a simple answer but hopefully this helps. For additional details, see the related wbcopytables documentation.