Mysql – Testing MySQL adaptive_hash_index option


We recently migrated our application to an entirely new infrastructure, going from a single server managing everything to a kubernetes cluster and dedicated database server running on AWS RDS. On Thursday, we had a planned spike in traffic due to marketing campaigns being sent, and during the middle of this peak we experienced a huge slow down in response times. Upon initial investigations, we discovered it was because the database was running at 100% CPU usage, and all queries were taking a long time to return (expected given the CPU usage)

We've never seen this behaviour before, so we're trying to determine if we've simply hit the max capacity of the server for that workload, or if we can improve this. During our research, we came across a few posts discussing the adaptive_hash_index option. We came across this because when we analysed the data from RDS, we saw a lot of btr_search waits.

enter image description here

The posts we saw suggested that in some applications, it may be beneficial to disable the adaptive_hash_index option. What we need to know though, is would this be beneficial given what we're seeing here, and more importantly how can we test that it has actually done anything and made a positive difference?

We don't usually have the level of traffic we saw, and under our usual workload we have absolutely no performance issue that we're aware of. The queries that were taking a long time to respond at peak, don't usually take more than < 50-100ms to return.

Could anyone shed some light on what might be another potential issue if not the hash index, and how we may go about testing it if we disable? I can provide further metrics as requested.

Slow queries

As requested, I've got a couple of examples of some slow queries. These are two of the more common queries that appear during our slow period

FROM `table_a`
INNER JOIN `table_b` ON `table_a`.`id` = `table_b`.`product_id`
INNER JOIN `table_c` ON `table_b`.`brochure_id` = `table_c`.`id`
WHERE `table_c`.`id` = 215
AND `table_a`.`enabled` = TRUE
AND `table_a`.`table_d_id` = 20
AND `table_a`.`ref` IS NULL

This query took just under 2 minutes to return 10,541 rows. Running this query now when the system isn't under load, it takes ~250ms. Below is the explain plan

| select_type | table   | partitions | type   | possible_keys                                                                                                                                              | key                                        | key_len | ref                    | rows  | filtered | extra                                        |
| SIMPLE      | table_c | NULL       | const  | PRIMARY                                                                                                                                                    | PRIMARY                                    | 4       | const                  | 1     | 100.00   | Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
| SIMPLE      | table_b | NULL       | ref    | index_table_b_on_table_c_id_and_table_a_id,index_table_b_on_table_a_id                                                                                     | index_table_b_on_table_c_id_and_table_a_id | 5       | const                  | 23082 | 100.00   | Using where; Using index                     |
| SIMPLE      | table_a | NULL       | eq_ref | PRIMARY,index_table_a_on_ref,index_table_a_on_table_d_id_and_enabled,index_table_a_on_table_d_id,index_table_a_on_enabled,index_table_a_on_enabled_and_ref | PRIMARY                                    | 4       | app.table_b.table_a_id | 1     | 5.00     | Using where                                  |

To my eyes, it looks like it's correctly using indices?

, `table_a`.`table_e_id`
, `table_a`.`table_b_id`
, `table_a`.`col_1`
, `table_a`.`col_2`
, `table_a`.`col_3`
, `table_a`.`price`
, `table_a`.`rrp`
, `table_a`.`col_4`
, `table_a`.`col_5`
, `table_a`.`col_6`
, `table_a`.`col_7`
, `table_a`.`col_8`
, `table_a`.`col_9`
, `table_a`.`col_10`
, AS _table_d_id
FROM `table_a`
INNER JOIN table_b ON table_a.table_b_id =
INNER JOIN table_c ON = table_c.table_b_id
INNER JOIN table_d ON = table_c.table_d_id
INNER JOIN table_e ON table_b.table_e_id =
WHERE `table_a`.`enabled` = TRUE
AND `table_a`.`published` = TRUE
AND (table_f_id IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7))
AND (table_b.enabled = TRUE)
AND (table_e.enabled = TRUE)
  ( = 1 AND price <= 828.09)
  OR ( = 2 AND price <= 1661.17)
  OR ( = 3 AND price <= 2494.26)
AND (1 = 1)
AND (1 = 1)
ORDER BY rrp desc

This query took around 11 seconds to return 48 rows. Running this query now when the system isn't under load, it takes ~100ms. Below is the explain plan

| id | select_type | table   | partitions | type   | possible_keys                                                                                           | key                         | key_len | ref                                | rows | filtered | Extra                                                               |
| 1  |             | table_c |            | range  | index_table_c_on_table_d_id,index_table_c_on_table_b_id                                                 | index_table_c_on_table_d_id | 5       |                                    | 412  | 100.00   | Using index condition; Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
| 1  | SIMPLE      | table_d |            | eq_ref | PRIMARY                                                                                                 | PRIMARY                     | 4       | app.table_c.table_d_id             | 1    | 100.00   | Using index                                                         |
| 1  | SIMPLE      | table_b |            | eq_ref | PRIMARY,index_table_b_on_table_e_id_and_enabled                                                         | PRIMARY                     | 4       | app.table_c.table_b_id             | 1    | 10.00    | Using where                                                         |
| 1  | SIMPLE      | table_e |            | eq_ref | PRIMARY,index_table_e_on_enabled                                                                        | PRIMARY                     | 4       | app.table_b.table_e_id             | 1    | 88.24    | Using where                                                         |
| 1  | SIMPLE      | table_a |            | ref    | index_table_a_on_price,table_a_table_b_id_price,index_table_a_on_table_f_id,index_table_a_on_table_b_id | table_a_table_b_id_price    | 9       | const,const,app.table_c.table_b_id | 46   | 27.99    | Using index condition; Using where                                  |

Best Answer

The first query might start with table_a or it might start with table_c. Here are the indexes to facilitate both query plans, thereby letting the Optimizer pick which seems better based on the data:

table_a:  -- I assume you have `PRIMARY KEY(id)`?
table_a:  INDEX(enabled, table_d_id, ref,   -- in any order, then
                name)    -- last
table_b:  INDEX(product_id, brochure_id)  -- see link below
table_b:  INDEX(brochure_id, product_id)
table_c:  -- I assume you have `PRIMARY KEY(id)`?

Since the only references to table_c are

INNER JOIN `table_c` ON `table_b`.`brochure_id` = `table_c`.`id`
WHERE `table_c`.`id` = 215

you may as well replace them with just

WHERE `table_b`.`brochure_id` = 215

Is table_b a many-to-many mapping table. It is common for them to be inefficiently indexed. See my guidelines:

For the Second query, here are some things to get started with (in addition to the many:many advice, above):

a:  INDEX(enabled, published,   -- in either order, then
          table_f_id)   -- last


Here is a partial attempt at explaining the EXPLAINs that you have:

  • Using temporary; Using filesort - At one (or possibly more) step of the execution something needs to be sorted, usually because of ORDER BY. GROUP BY x ORDER BY w may lead to multiple sorts; EXPLAIN does not indicate that, but EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON does. "Filesort" does not necessarily indicate that the disk is involved.
  • Using index - The index was a "covering index", meaning that all the columns used anywhere in the query were found in a single INDEX. This is usually beneficial for performance but is rarely a goal to start with.
  • key_len = 4 - probably a 4-byte INT NOT NULL (signed or unsigned); =5 probably means INT NULL. Consider making it NOT NULL. (This is a minor issue.)
  • The Rows column - Multiply the numbers in that column together to get a very crude estimate of work to perform the query. This is sometimes useful in comparing two Explains.
  • Rows=1 - May indicate a unique key, hence a very efficient JOIN.
  • Rows = big number - The table may have a lousy index.
  • JOINs are usually done via "NLJ" (Nested Loop Join) - read one table, reaching into the next table one row at a time.
  • The first row - The table in the first row is likely to be the one with the best WHEREs. If not, perhaps you need a better index -- often a composite index.