Mysql – Optimizing slow query


For a few days now, i'm trying to optimize this query.
But still I haven't found the right solution in how to fix this.

The contents table contains about 20 million records. As the connect table holds about 60 million.

The query runs in about 20 seconds:

FROM `contents` AS `n`
INNER JOIN `connect` AS `a` ON `a`.`mcded_primary_id_mcdno_id` = `n`.`mcdno_id`
INNER JOIN `connect` AS `b` ON `b`.`mcded_primary_id_mcdno_id` = `n`.`mcdno_id`
INNER JOIN `connect` AS `c` ON `c`.`mcded_primary_id_mcdno_id` = `n`.`mcdno_id`
WHERE `a`.`mcded_child_id_mcdno_id` = '1375'
  AND `a`.`mcded_structure_mcdes_id` = '85'
  AND `b`.`mcded_child_id_mcdno_id` = '13'
  AND `b`.`mcded_structure_mcdes_id` = '187'
  AND `c`.`mcded_child_id_mcdno_id` IN ('500065',
  AND `c`.`mcded_structure_mcdes_id` = '211'
  AND `n`.`mcdno_structure_mcdns_id` IN ('1')
GROUP BY `n`.`mcdno_id`
ORDER BY `n`.`mcdno_id` DESC LIMIT 14

But it uses temp table every time.

This is the EXPLAIN:

| id | select_type | type | possible_keys |                                                key                                                |                     key_len                      | ref |                  rows                   | Extra |                                                                                                                 |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | b    | index_merge   | UN_set,FK_primary_id_id,FK_structure_mcdns_id_id,FK_child_id_mcdno_id_id,IND_primary_id_structure | FK_structure_mcdns_id_id,FK_child_id_mcdno_id_id | 4,8 | NULL                                    | 37928 | Using intersect(FK_structure_mcdns_id_id,FK_child_id_mcdno_id_id); Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | c    | ref           | UN_set,FK_primary_id_id,FK_structure_mcdns_id_id,FK_child_id_mcdno_id_id,IND_primary_id_structure | IND_primary_id_structure                         | 12  | b.mcded_primary_id_mcdno_id,const       |     1 | Using where                                                                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | n    | eq_ref        | PRIMARY,FK_mcdno_structure_mcdns_id                                                               | PRIMARY                                          | 8   | c.mcded_primary_id_mcdno_id             |     1 | Using where                                                                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | a    | ref           | UN_set,FK_primary_id_id,FK_structure_mcdns_id_id,FK_child_id_mcdno_id_id,IND_primary_id_structure | UN_set                                           | 20  | b.mcded_primary_id_mcdno_id,const,const |     1 |                                                                                                                 |

I tried using connect (a) as primary table, but that is even worse.

Any suggestions?


  CREATE TABLE `contents` (
  `mcdno_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `mcdno_created_on` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
  `mcdno_changed_on` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
  `mcdno_structure_mcdns_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`mcdno_id`),
  KEY `FK_mcdno_structure_mcdns_id` (`mcdno_structure_mcdns_id`),
  KEY `IND_created_on` (`mcdno_created_on`),
  KEY `IND_changed_on` (`mcdno_changed_on`),
  KEY `IND_published_on` (`mcdno_published_on`)


CREATE TABLE `connect` (
 `mcded_id` bigint(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
 `mcded_primary_id_mcdno_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
 `mcded_child_id_mcdno_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
 `mcded_changed_on` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
 `mcded_structure_mcdes_id` int(11) NOT NULL
 PRIMARY KEY (`mcded_id`),
 UNIQUE KEY `UN_set` (`mcded_primary_id_mcdno_id`,`mcded_child_id_mcdno_id`,`mcded_structure_mcdes_id`),
 KEY `IND_created_on` (`mcded_created_on`),
 KEY `FK_primary_id_id` (`mcded_primary_id_mcdno_id`),
 KEY `FK_structure_mcdns_id_id` (`mcded_structure_mcdes_id`),
 KEY `FK_child_id_mcdno_id_id` (`mcded_child_id_mcdno_id`),
 KEY `IND_primary_id_structure`         (`mcded_primary_id_mcdno_id`,`mcded_structure_mcdes_id`)

Best Answer

"Using intersect" usually implies that a composite index would be better:

 INDEX(mcded_child_id_mcdno_id, mcded_structure_mcdes_id) -- or the opposite order

Even better, rearrange UN_set so it starts with these two.

Don't use SELECT * unless you really need all the columns from all the joins. It inhibits use of "covering" indexes.

(Don't you find these long names hard to distinguish? And the similarity (mcded/mcdno/mcdes/mcdns; connect/content) makes it difficult for me to read. simply tossing "mcd" everywhere would help.)