Mysql – Setting MySQLDump to keep running in the background after session times out


I'm tryng to set up a new Slave DB by copying another Slave DB. Normally I would simply use MySQLDump to dump the Slave and create a .sql file, then import that into the new database.

However, as our new server is a Linux (Debian 7) server (the slave I'm copying is on a Windows server), I figured I would try to pipe the dump straight into the new database. This seemed to go well, until my putty session expired and it all stopped.

I tried it again, this time using nohup .... &. But still the dump stopped as soon as my session expired.

Is there a way to make this work? My full dump command is:

nohup mysqldump -hxxx -P3306 -uxxx -pxxx --dump-slave --databases a b c d -F | mysql -h127.0.0.1 -P3306 -uxxx -pxxx &

All DB's are MySQL 5.5.

Best Answer

I think I found the problem. Apparently the nohup command ended at the | symbol, so when the session expired the second part of the command stopped with the session.

To get round this I ran:

nohup sh -c 'mysqldump -hxxx -P3306 -uxxx -pxxx --dump-slave --databases a b c d -F | mysql -h127.0.0.1 -P3306 -uxxx -pxxx' &

I checked it was running, and then EXITed the shell, and so far, it is still running.