Mysql – Proper procedure for migrating a MySQL database to another Debian machine


I have one server running an older Debian version with MySQL 5.x and a newer Debian server, also running MySQL.

I've created a backup of all databases on the first server like so:

mysqldump -uuser -ppass --all-databases > dump.sql

On the other server, I did a:

mysql -uuser -ppass < dump.sql

At first, everything seemed great. I could browse my databases in phpMyAdmin, but as soon as I tried logging in again, it failed. Turns out, my root password had been overwritten with the one from the older database.

I wanted to reset it, but in order to do so, I would have needed to start mysqld_safe. Which I couldn't because the password for the debian-sys-maint user had been overwritten as well in the database. When I thought all hell had broken loose, I somehow reset both the root and debian-sys-maint passwords to the original values of the new server, and I managed to revert to a clean state.

Since I obviously don't want to go down that road again, here's the question(s):

  • Was I right with my approach of using a complete --all-databases dump?
  • Was there something I needed to do in advance to reading in that dump to prevent this desaster from happening? Or even before creating the dump?

If I'm going about this the wrong way:

  • What is the proper procedure for migrating all databases and their users to another server?

Note that I'm not that experienced with MySQL and server administration at all, so I might be missing something obvious. All the tutorials and how-tos I've found never mention anything like this and just talk about importing the complete dump.

Best Answer

That is a normal procedure for setting up a new server from old database, so there's nothing wrong with this. Probably the reason there is no mention of the passwords getting overwritten is admins know the old passwords so can easily update them on the new server.

One thing you can do is modify the dumpfile to use the new passwords for root and your Debian admin user prior to loading it into the new server.