Mysql – Join two group_concat result


this is the query:

$sql = "select, pn.purchased_number, pn.plan, pn.ring_to_group, 
        count( as totalGroups, 
        concat_ws(',', group_concat(rtg.group_name), group_concat( as groupList
           from tbl_phone_numbers as pn
           left join tbl_rings_to_groups as rtg on rtg.user_id=pn.user_id
           where pn.user_id = ? and pn.status = ?";
$query = $this->db->query($sql, array($this->userId, 'Y'));

that returns the result of groupList like default,demo,1,2 but i want to get result something like :


in MYSQL any suggestion??

Best Answer

You can reverse the order of the two functions, so the concatenation of group_name and id is done first - using either CONCAT() or CONCAT_WS() - and then the group concatenation:

GROUP_CONCAT( CONCAT_WS(':', rtg.group_name, 
              ORDER BY
              SEPARATOR ','                      -- the comma ',' is the default
            ) AS groupList