Mysql – IF EXISTS on each group in Mysql


Sample Data :

| ad_id | ad_type | duration |          page | common | sorter |
|    20 |  center |        2 |               |  false |      0 |
|    21 |    left |        5 |               |  false |      0 |
|    19 |    left |        1 |               |  false |      0 |
|    18 |    head |        2 |               |   true |      0 |
|    17 |  right1 |        4 |               |   true |      1 |
|    16 |  right1 |        5 |               |  false |      0 |
|    22 |  center |        3 |               |   true |      0 |
|    23 |    head |        6 |               |   true |      0 |
|    25 |    head |        2 |               |  false |      0 |
|    29 |    left |        5 |               |  false |      0 |
|    30 |    left |        7 |               |  false |      0 |
|    32 |    head |        4 | 1494573224714 |  false |      2 |
|    33 |    left |        5 | 1494573224714 |  false |      2 |
|    34 |    left |        1 | 1494573224714 |  false |      2 |
|    35 |    left |        9 | 1494066642553 |  false |      1 |
|    36 |    left |       10 | 1494066642553 |  false |      3 |
|    38 |    head |        5 | 1494066642553 |  false |      1 |

and desired output :

| ad_type | GROUP_CONCAT( duration ORDER BY sorter ASC SEPARATOR ' , ') |
|    head |                                                           4 |
|  center |                                                           3 |
|  right1 |                                                           4 |
|    left |                                                       1 , 5 |!9/e67161/1

I'm using the following query:

select ad_type,
GROUP_CONCAT( duration ORDER BY sorter ASC SEPARATOR ' , ') 
from ad 

WHERE ad_type='head' AND
    (SELECT 1 FROM ad where page='1494573224714' AND ad_type='head')
     , page='1494573224714', common=1  )
group by ad_type

select ad_type,
GROUP_CONCAT( duration ORDER BY sorter ASC SEPARATOR ' , ') 
from ad 

WHERE ad_type='center' AND
    (SELECT 1 FROM ad where page='1494573224714' AND ad_type='center')
     , page='1494573224714', common=1  )
group by ad_type

select ad_type,
GROUP_CONCAT( duration ORDER BY sorter ASC SEPARATOR ' , ') 
from ad 

WHERE ad_type='left' AND
    (SELECT 1 FROM ad where page='1494573224714' AND ad_type='left')
     , page='1494573224714', common=1  )
group by ad_type

Is there a way something like IN('head','left','right1','center')

or to perform on all distinct ad_type?

The Query I'd used that failed :

select ad_type,
GROUP_CONCAT( duration ORDER BY sorter ASC SEPARATOR ' , ') 
from ad 
    (SELECT 1 FROM ad where page='1494573224714')
     , page='1494573224714', common=1  )
group by ad_type

Which returns :

| ad_type | GROUP_CONCAT( duration ORDER BY sorter ASC SEPARATOR ' , ') |
|    head |                                                           4 |
|    left |                                                       1 , 5 |

I want the condition to get applied on each group so that I get results with 'center' ad_type as common=1 etc…

Best Answer

OK, I'm going to make a few assumptions here:

  1. The primary key for ad is page. If that's not the primary key, then the pxad subquery below should have the primary key column(s) instead of 'page'.
  2. There are only four possible values for ad_type (center, left, head, right1), period. The alternative would be some pages might have (center, head, left, right1) and others might have (head, footer, right1, popup), etc.; that would require additional info to manage.
  3. If a given row in ad has no entries for a particular ad_type (for example, there are rows for page = '1234567' with ad_type "head" and "left", but not "right1" or "center"), then we should return all unexpired pages for that ad type.
  4. The desired results for your first query should be the one row you show, plus the the rows from your second result set for "center", "left", and "right1".

Given the above is accurate, I'd try something along the lines of this (based on the first query you provided:

SELECT pxad.ad_type
      ,GROUP_CONCAT( concat(' duration : ',ad.duration,' common :',ad.common)
                     ORDER BY ad.sorter ASC SEPARATOR ' , '

  FROM (SELECT ad1.duration
          FROM ad ad1
                 CROSS JOIN (SELECT 'center' as ad_type UNION ALL
                             SELECT 'head' UNION ALL
                             SELECT 'left' UNION ALL
                             SELECT 'right1'
                            ) as AdType
         WHERE IF( EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM ad WHERE page = '1494573224714' and ad.ad_type = AdType.ad_type)
                  ,page = '1494573224714'
                  ,ad_timeout >= CURDATE() 
           AND ad1.ad_type = AdType.ad_type
       ) pxad
 GROUP BY ad_type;

(NOTE: code is untested)

The subquery labeled pxad will check for records with your desired page value, and each of the four possible ad_types. Where it finds matches, it uses those; where it doesn't, it returns all unexpired pages for the ad_type.