Mysql – Insert and Update Queries Log in MySQL


I have sensitive information in multiple databases on the MySQL Server. I need to record which user have inserted or updated the record and incase of update we should be able to see the previous and the new values.

Is it possible in MySQL?

Best Answer

Usually for this purpose, I add a column in the table saying end user who updated it, and each client populates it when it it inserted/updated.

But if want to track each changes, usually I also add 2 datetime(6) columns in the table called StartDate and EndDate (use DateTime for mysql version before 5.6 not supporting microseconds)

EndDate is added to primary index (preferably at the end).

When row I insert a row into it, I put Sysdate(6) in StartDate and '9999-12-31' in EndDate (year 9999, yes it is hardcoded but if your application is still active at this time, it won't be your problem)

When I want to update an existing row, I close it first with a query like update MyTable set EndDate=sysdate(6), UpdatedBy='currentuser' where key=somekeyvalue and EndDate='9999-12-31' then I insert row with new values as explained earlier

When I look to current values, I always add " and EndDate='9999-12-31') in query

When I look to values applicable on a certain date, ie 2017-02-01 I perform query on a range of dates like this select * from MyTable where key=somekeyvalue and StartDate<='2017-02-01' and EndDate>'2017-02-01'