MySQL: Expanding table columns and insert/update values


I need to combine two tables into one.

Table s_ogr

id | ad | numara | yurt_id |

Current Table s_kontrol

id | ogr_id | yurt_id

What is needed s_kontrol_k

id | ogr_id | ogr_numara |ogr_ad | yurt_id  `(ogr_id represent the id from s_ogr)`

( ad = name , yurt_id = department_id, ogr_id is student_number(reason of problem, should be student_id) )

My Sittuation; s_kontrol is full of data. I need it to be like s_kontrol_k , but new two fields should be taken from s_ogr table , by the match operation of s_ogr and s_kontrol ( and s_ogr.yurt_id =s_kontrol.yurt_id). Previous mistake was not to add the ogr_id as student_id into s_kontrol

How to create my new s_kontrol_k with filled values of new columns. I am able to copy the same values from s_kontrol but could'n achieve to fill new colums

Best Answer

As far as I can understand what you want is

    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `s_kontrol_k` (
      `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      `ogr_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
      `ogr_ad` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
      `ogr_numara` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
      `yurt_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

    INSERT INTO `s_kontrol_k` (
        SELECT,sk.ogr_id, AS ogr_ad,
        so.numara AS ogr_numara, so.yurt_id FROM s_kontrol AS sk
        INNER JOIN s_ogr AS so ON sk.ogr_id =

First create the desired table s_kontrol_k and copy data from both s_ogr and s_kontrol to newly created table s_kontrol_k.

I hope this helps..