Mysql – How to Perform Two Simple Queries using Select Value from First Query


I need to perform a select operation and get the id column's value (single value returned). Using this value, I need to perform two more selects on the same table using UNION ALL (in order to select limit n id < and limit n id >

I am currently failing in getting the value from 1st query to perform union all queries. How can I fix it?

SELECT * FROM table WHERE column_b = 'a value' # this query returns ID.
union all  
(select a.* from table as a where id <
order by id desc limit 5) 
union all  
(select a.* from table as a where id >=
order by id asc limit 15)

Best Answer

Why not actually perform this as

SELECT ID INTO @ReturnedID FROM table WHERE column_b = 'a value';
select * from table as a where id = @ReturnedID
union all  
select * from table as a where id < @ReturnedID order by id desc limit 5
union all  
select * from table as a where id >= @ReturnedID order by id asc limit 15