MySQL – Filtering SELECT Query Results to Avoid Certain Words


I have a table called videos with a column named title and there is a set of words (around 50 words as of now but the number of words may increase) which is the knowledge base for filtering the content.

For example

porn, pornography, Adult, Boobs, Booty, Tits

pseudo query may be like

SELECT * FROM videos WHERE title NOT LIKE (porn, pornography, Adult, Boobs, Booty, Tits)

I checked NOT LIKE but I have to do it like

SELECT * FROM videos WHERE title NOT LIKE ‘%porn%’ AND title NOT LIKE ‘%pornography%’ AND title NOT LIKE ‘%Adult%’ AND title NOT LIKE ‘%Booty%’ AND title NOT LIKE ‘%Boobs%’ AND title NOT LIKE ‘%Tits%’

which is very inconvenient and inefficient. So is there any other better way to do this ?

Best Answer

I've written this in SQL Server so you may have to translate to MySQL but this should work for you.

CREATE TABLE #ExcludeList (ExcludeVal varchar(50))

CREATE TABLE #VideoList (VideoName varchar(500))

INSERT INTO #ExcludeList VALUES ('Prob1'),('Prob2'),('DontUse1')

INSERT INTO #VideoList VALUES ('This is a prob1'),
            ('This is clean'),('This is also clean'),
            ('DontUse1 this one is bad')

FROM #VideoList VL
                    WHERE VL.VideoName LIKE '%' + EL.ExcludeVal + '%')