Like predicate to match a whole word only


I have a SQLite database with a table named minecraft.

| id |         name         |
|  1 | Pocket Mine MP       |
|  2 | Open Computers       |
|  3 | hubot minecraft skin |
|  4 | Terasology           |
|  5 | msm                  |

I need to find all the records which have 'e' and 'o' in their 'name' field. Here is my Select query:

select * from minecraft where name like '%e%o%'

Here is the result of the above query:

| id |      name      |
|  2 | Open Computers |
|  4 | Terasology     |

The problem is that the Like predicate matches the entire value, not words. The row with id = 2 should not be matched, because all the criteria didn't happen in a single word ('e' is found in the first word and 'o' in the other word): Open Computers.

How should I change my Select query so it matches the only row with 'e' and 'o' in a single word?

| id |    name    |
|  4 | Terasology |


Best Answer

Your best bet is probably to use REGEXP, which needs some special installation prior to being usable.

In that case, you'd use:

    name REGEXP 'e\w*o' 

This regular expression means: (a literal 'e') followed by (zero or more word characters) followed by (a literal 'o').

This approach won't shy away from cases like 'This hello will work'



If you can't install the required packages to have REGEXP available, you can probably use a user-defined function to perform the "word-by-word" LIKE check. Let's imagine it's called check_words_like(sentence, like_predicate), I'd use in the following fashion:

        name, whatever
        name like '%e%o%'
    ) AS q1
    check_words_like(, '%e%o%') ;

This still requires some C programming and interfacing, and might be as complicated as getting the right REGEXP package.