Mysql – Error reading MySQL 5.5 binary log using thesqlbinlog


I'm having some trouble with a replication setup I'm using. It has been working fine for months, and then over the weekend, the slave stopped reading updates from the masters binlog with an error Got fatal error 1236 from master when reading data from binary log: 'bogus data in log event'

When trying to read the relevant binary log using mysqlbinlog, I get the error shown below;

[root@slglcd-01] # mysqlbinlog ibm-pr-slglcd-01.000075 > /dev/null
ERROR: Error in Log_event::read_log_event(): 'Event too small', data_len: 0, event_type: 0
ERROR: Could not read entry at offset 1828: Error in log format or read error.
[root@slglcd-01] #

Frustrating! I have tried using various combinations of --start-position and --offset to try and get past the bad data, and nothing seems to be working…

What I'm after is a way of skipping (or removing) this error from within the binary log, creating a new binary log without the offending item, so that I can continue my replication.

I'm not worried about loosing the statement, this is a syslog collection database, and one missing row isn't going to hurt.

What I can't do is re-create the slave from the master, as the master uses the BLACKHOLE engine, and therefore has no real data stored…

If the worst comes to the worst, I will have to start from the next binary log in the sequence and loose the data left in the offending log.

Thanks in advance,

Best Answer

Since the binary log on the Master is corrupt, there is nothing else you can do. My condolences. Just skip to the next binlog:

CHANGE MASTER TO master_log_file='ibm-pr-slglcd-01.000076',master_log_pos=107;

Of course, 107 is the start position for MySQL 5.5 binlogs. If the Master is 5.1 (or 5.0.95), use 106. If the Master is prior to 5.1, use 98.

If Master BinLog Corruption is frequent, you may need to consider using a smaller size for the binary logs on the Master (perhaps 128M instead of the default 1G):


This will not stop corruption, but lowering the size it will minimize data loss from 1G to 128M.