Mysql – DBIO Error: Utility ‘thesqldump.exe’ not found in MySQL home ‘MySQL Connector/Net’


I am using dbeaver 3.6.10 and I would like to export my database (MySQL).

I select the database > right mouse click on it > tools > export database > next > start

I get the following error:

IO Error: Utility 'mysqldump.exe' not found in MySQL home 'MySQL Connector/Net'

enter image description here

I do know where mysqldump.exe is located on my machine.

C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\bin\mysqldump.exe

But I am new to dbeaver and I am not completely sure where I can set the mysqldump.exe value in dbeaver in order to be able to create db dumps.

Can you anyone please point me in the right direction?

Best Answer

Edit the connection and be sure to select the version of mysql installed on your PC in the "Local Client" section