MySQL Subqueries – Calculate Quantity of Tickets Based on Reserved Using Subqueries

countgroup byMySQLsubquery

I'm designing a database that will hold ticketing information. The 3 tables I use to track ticketing are

  • tbl_ticket_type to the types of events an event can have
  • tbl_ticket_count to keep track of how many tickets of a particular type should be sold for an event
  • tbl_tickets to keep track of the actual tickets purchased by users.
  • I'm trying to design a query that will calculate the number of ticket types left for a particular event and return the result in groups of the types and number left. I tried the following SQL statement but to no avail, how can I fix SQL to return types of tickets and quantities left? DB inset attached

    SELECT tt.ticket_type,COUNT(tt.ticket_type) 
    FROM tbl_tickets t 
    INNER JOIN tbl_ticket_count tc ON t.ticket_count_id=tc.ticket_count_id 
    INNER JOIN tbl_ticket_type tt 
    ON     tc.ticket_type_id = tt.ticket_type_id 
    WHERE ticket_count_id IN (SELECT tc.ticket_count_id FROM tbl_ticket_count WHERE event_id=15) 
    GROUP BY tt.ticket_type

    Script to recreate the three tables:


    CREATE TABLE `tbl_tickets` (
      `ticket_id` int(11) NOT NULL ,
      `ticket_count_id` int(11) DEFAULT '0' ,
      `userid` int(11) DEFAULT '0' ,
      `provider_id` int(11) DEFAULT '1',
      `pay_status` enum('reserved','paid','pending','') DEFAULT 'reserved' ,
      `reference` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'if e-payment, what the reference for the payment',
      `event_status` enum('pending','checked','','') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'pending' ,
      `date_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP 
    ALTER TABLE `tbl_tickets`
      ADD PRIMARY KEY (`ticket_id`),
      ADD KEY `ticket_count_id` (`ticket_count_id`),
      ADD KEY `user_id` (`userid`),
      ADD KEY `provider_id` (`provider_id`);
    ALTER TABLE `tbl_tickets`
    ADD CONSTRAINT `tbl_tickets_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`provider_id`) REFERENCES `tbl_provider` (`provider_id`),
    ADD CONSTRAINT `tbl_tickets_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`ticket_count_id`) REFERENCES `tbl_ticket_count` (`ticket_count_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
    INSERT INTO `tbl_tickets` (`ticket_id`, `ticket_count_id`, `userid`, `provider_id`, `pay_status`, `reference`, `event_status`, `date_time`) VALUES
    (3, 1, 2, 1, 'reserved', NULL, 'pending', '2017-11-04 15:14:15'),
    (4, 1, 6, 1, 'pending', NULL, 'pending', '2017-11-04 15:14:15'),
    (5, 10, 6, 1, 'reserved', NULL, 'pending', '2017-11-04 16:32:35'),
    (6, 10, 2, 1, 'reserved', NULL, 'pending', '2017-11-04 16:32:35');


    CREATE TABLE `tbl_ticket_count` (
      `ticket_count_id` int(11) NOT NULL ,
      `ticket_type_id` int(11) DEFAULT '0' ,
      `event_id` int(11) DEFAULT '0' ,
      `quantity` int(11) DEFAULT '0' ,
      `price` decimal(10,0) DEFAULT '0' ,
      `date_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP 
    ALTER TABLE `tbl_ticket_count`
      ADD PRIMARY KEY (`ticket_count_id`),
      ADD KEY `ticket_type_id` (`ticket_type_id`),
      ADD KEY `event_id` (`event_id`);
    ALTER TABLE `tbl_ticket_count`
    ADD CONSTRAINT `tbl_ticket_count_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`ticket_type_id`)     REFERENCES `tbl_ticket_type` (`ticket_type_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
    ADD CONSTRAINT `tbl_ticket_count_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`event_id`) REFERENCES `tbl_events_new` (`event_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
    INSERT INTO `tbl_ticket_count` (`ticket_count_id`, `ticket_type_id`, `event_id`, `quantity`, `price`, `date_time`) VALUES
    (1, 1, 3, 10, 15000, '2017-11-04 14:45:02'),
    (2, 2, 3, 10, 25000, '2017-11-04 14:45:02'),
    (3, 1, 9, 10, 15000, '2017-11-04 14:45:39'),
    (4, 2, 9, 10, 25000, '2017-11-04 14:45:51'),
    (5, 1, 4, 100, 2000, '2017-11-04 14:47:13'),
    (6, 1, 5, 50, 4000, '2017-11-04 14:48:17'),
    (7, 5, 10, 15, 100000, '2017-11-04 14:48:17'),
    (8, 1, 8, 50, 0, '2017-11-04 14:48:48'),
    (9, 7, 15, 10, 3000, '2017-11-04 16:31:47'),
    (10, 1, 15, 20, 7500, '2017-11-04 16:31:47');


    CREATE TABLE `tbl_ticket_type` (
      `ticket_type_id` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 'stores unique identification for the ticket type',
      `ticket_type` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'type of ticket ',
      `description` varchar(500) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'description of that ticket type_category',
      `date_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT 'datetime the type_category was added'
    ALTER TABLE `tbl_ticket_type`
      ADD PRIMARY KEY (`ticket_type_id`);
    INSERT INTO `tbl_ticket_type` (`ticket_type_id`, `ticket_type`, `description`, `date_time`) VALUES
    (1, 'Standard', 'These are standard entry tickets that will permit one person into an event venue', '2017-11-04 14:42:41'),
    (2, 'VIP', 'These are VIP tickets with VIP access to an event venue', '2017-11-04 14:42:41'),
    (3, 'VIPP', 'VIPP tickets to access the VVIP sections of an event venue', '2017-11-04 14:43:32'),
    (4, 'Family', 'Tickets to permit a family of a pre determined number by the organisers', '2017-11-04 14:43:32'),
    (5, 'Team', 'Team ticket to some events e.g. sporting tournaments', '2017-11-04 14:44:04'),
    (6, 'Couples', 'Admits two (2) people into an event venue', '2017-11-04 15:06:00'),
    (7, 'Children', 'Tickets aimed at children', '2017-11-04 16:31:00');

    Best Answer

    Maybe the following queries will help you to find the correct answer (MySQL 5.7). Assumptions: we need the amount of sold and unsold tickets. Each row in the tbl_tickets represents ONE sold ticket. Using a LEFT JOIN, we include "unsold" tickets:

      tc.ticket_count_id  TC_ID
    , t.ticket_count_id   T_TC_ID
    , tc.ticket_type_id   CATEGORY
    , tc.event_id         EVENT
    , tc.quantity
    , count(t.ticket_count_id)  SOLD
    , tc.quantity - count(t.ticket_count_id) TICKETS_LEFT
    from tbl_ticket_count tc
      left join tbl_tickets t on tc.ticket_count_id = t.ticket_count_id 
    group by tc.ticket_count_id
    having tc.event_id = 15 ;
    -- result
    | TC_ID | T_TC_ID | CATEGORY | EVENT | quantity | SOLD | TICKETS_LEFT |
    |     9 |    NULL |        7 |    15 |       10 |    0 |           10 |
    |    10 |      10 |        1 |    15 |       20 |    2 |           18 |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    If that looks correct to you, join the third table, and adjust the columns of the SELECT clause.

      tc.event_id EVENT
    , tc.quantity - count(t.ticket_count_id) TICKETS_LEFT
    , tt.ticket_type
    from tbl_ticket_count tc
      left join tbl_tickets t on tc.ticket_count_id = t.ticket_count_id 
      join tbl_ticket_type tt on tc.ticket_type_id = tt.ticket_type_id
    group by tc.ticket_count_id
    having tc.event_id = 15 ;
    -- result
    | EVENT | TICKETS_LEFT | ticket_type |
    |    15 |           10 | Children    |
    |    15 |           18 | Standard    |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    Dbfiddle here.

    NOTE: The DDL code needed some minor changes for the test setup to work.
    E.g. tbl_tickets: duplicated value '' in ENUM. Some FKs have REFERENCES that fail e.g. tbl_tickets_ibfk_1.