T-sql – Way to obtain full list of column dependencies for stored procedure


I've built a stored procedure (which we can call sproc_deps) that uses sys.sql_expression_dependencies and sys.dm_sql_referenced_entities. I want it to list out all of the tables and columns used by a stored procedure of the user's choice. This stored procedure will have its name passed as an argument to sproc_deps.

The problem is that I'm getting columns that the stored procedure doesn't actually use when I combine sys.sql_expression_dependencies and sys.dm_sql_referenced_entities. In order to get the information I want, I've JOINed a few other things on as well:

  • sys.objects(for object IDs, and type_desc)
  • sys.tables(to match against tables contained in sys.sql_expression_dependencies)
  • sys.views (because I'm interested in both views and tables)
  • sys.columns (to pull columns for each table or view involved)

Here is the actual JOIN:

sys.sql_expression_dependencies AS sed  
INNER JOIN sys.objects AS o ON sed.referencing_id = o.object_id  
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.tables t on sed.referenced_entity_name = t.name
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.views v on sed.referenced_entity_name = v.name
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.columns c on (c.object_id = t.object_id OR c.object_id = v.object_id)
INNER JOIN sys.dm_sql_referenced_entities (N'dbo.DummySprocName', 'OBJECT') s
ON s.referenced_entity_name = sed.referenced_entity_name

Using just sys.sql_expression_dependencies nets a small list of tables that I can't really decipher, and using sys.dm_sql_referenced_entities yields a partial list of tables and columns used by the procedure.

Is it possible for sproc_deps to return the correct list of tables and columns used by a procedure using just T-SQL? If so, how?

Best Answer

I would come at this from the opposite direction.

    select c.table_name, c.column_name, sp.name 
    from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.columns c
    inner join sys.procedures sp on object_definition(sp.object_id) like '%' + c.TABLE_NAME + '%' 
    and object_definition(sp.object_id) like '%' + c.column_name + '%'