Sql-server – How to reduce the run time of stored procedure by getting rid of cursors

cursorssql serverstored-procedurest-sql

I have a task of reducing the run time of a stored procedure that runs for hours.

Description of task: The cursor takes a set of values @Primary and @Secondary obtained from a query(5000+ rows), finds the @isNewProgram and @NewProgram through the value of @Primary and then operates upon another inbuilt cursor within which the values of each row of the 5000 is compared against some condition and inserted into @tempTable finally. but the individual non parallel processing of each row at a time with cursors is consuming a large time.

I have optimized everything from indexes to usage of common table expressions but how far I try I cannot even start to remove cursors and replace it with set based approach.

SELECT DISTINCT B.Primary,Secondary 
FROM DetailsTable A 
Inner join GroupTable B on B.Primary = A.Primary
WHERE CurrentMonth  = @CurrentMonth AND (LEN(Primary) <> 6)

SET @Cur_Billable = CURSOR FOR
SELECT DISTINCT Liability FROM @Liability

    Print 'Error in the Cursor Fetch Statement'

    SELECT @IsNewProgram = (SELECT Distinct IsNewProgram 
                    FROM GroupTable WHERE Primary = @Primary)
    SELECT @NewProgram = (SELECT Distinct NewProgram
                    FROM GroupTable WHERE Primary = @Primary)
    OPEN @Cur_Billable
    FETCH NEXT FROM @Cur_Billable INTO @VarLiability
    IF @@FETCH_STATUS <> 0 
        Print 'Error in the Cursor Fetch Statement'
    WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0    
    INSERT INTO @TempTable
    SELECT top 10 Secondary, Primary, GroupName,Liability, DefectCount, DefectCode
        FROM (
                SELECT  Secondary
                        ,@Primary AS Primary
                        ,SUM(DefectCount) AS DefectCount,   
                FROM @PDTopTable
                WHERE Liability = @VarLiability                         
                and TPPrimary IN (SELECT Primary FROM GroupTable C 
                            WHERE C.Primary = @Primary)
                AND  TPNewProgram = CASE  WHEN @IsNewProgram = 0 
                                                Then  @NewProgram           
                                    WHEN @IsNewProgram = 2 
                                                Then TPNewProgram
                                ELSE  @NewProgram  END  
                AND TPSecondary = @Secondary            
                GROUP BY Secondary, GroupName, DefectCode,Liability     
                SELECT  Secondary
                        ,@Primary AS Primary
                        ,SUM(DefectCount) AS DefectCount,   
                FROM @PDBotTable
                WHERE Liability = @VarLiability                         
                and TPPrimary IN (SELECT Primary FROM GroupTable C 
                            WHERE C.Primary = @Primary)
                AND  TPNewProgram = CASE  WHEN @IsNewProgram = 0 
                                            Then  @NewProgram           
                                    WHEN @IsNewProgram = 2 
                                            Then TPNewProgram
                                ELSE  @NewProgram  END  
                AND TPSecondary = @Secondary            
                GROUP BY Secondary, GroupName, DefectCode,Liability
        ) TDG
        ORDER BY  TDG.Primary, TDG.Secondary,TDG.DefectCount DESC
        FETCH NEXT FROM @Cur_Billable INTO @VarLiability

        CLOSE @Cur_Billable
    FETCH NEXT FROM @CUR_PSD INTO @Primary,@Secondary


I am not looking for someone to do the conversion for me, I just need to know how to get started. I've found a lot of tutorials but I need the right guidance to get started with this as I have never done this before.

Just so you people get to know the outer cursor operates on 5000 rows or more and that condition checking by the outer cursor is what that is making the code run so slow. Should i use inner join on it so that the same desired output can be obtained…?

I mean i want to know what should i do with

 With TQ_PlantSupplierDefects(PlantCode,SupplierCode) AS
SELECT DISTINCT B.PrimaryCode as PlantCode,SupplierCode 
    FROM [SMS].[T_SMS_PlantDetailDefects] A 
    Inner join SMS.T_SMS_PlantGroup B on B.PlantCode = A.PlantCode
    WHERE RollingYearMonth  = @RollingYearMonth AND (LEN(PrimaryCode) <> 6)

If i am going to operate upon the above mentioned CTE and @PDTopTable what should i use. My instinct says i should use combination of functions and joins. Am i right?

Best Answer

You want to increase the speed of your cursors? Wrap them in a transaction. If you are processing millions of records and don't want/need them all in one transaction, you can commit it on occasion to reduce resources.

I did this with a cursor that took an hour to run (this is an extreme case) and afterword it ran in 1 1/2 minutes.

I know that does not answer you question but it might help you avoid doing the conversion until your more familiar with SQL. The answer to your question is... experience. There is no magic site or book you can read, it just takes time learning to do more and more in a single statement.