T-sql – Need to get identify all tables and columns in a SQL Query


I have a massive task to go through hundreds of SQL scripts and identify the Table and Columns in each query as we are updating our system and some of the columns and tables may be renamed or disappear completely.

Is there any product of script that anyone can recommend that will allow me to do this, taking into consideration that whatever program/script is used will need to take into account alias as well as ensuring that it can differentiate between blocks of select code or union.

I have hundreds of queries being used for reports. I need to go through each query and identify tables and columns that are being used within each query.

Best Answer

If the queries are in stored procedures, or you can get them into a temporary database as stored procedures then the system SP sp_depends and related catalog views will help. At the very least they will narrow the search.

If the queries are in files a bit of Powershell will generate SPs in no time.

If they're embedded in the application or, heaven forfend, dynamically generated at run time running an application regression test, capturing the submitted SQL and proceeding as above may work.

We have had success with a .Net SQL parsing library. Its name eludes me just now. Should I find it I'll edit it into this answer. You'll still have to pull the SQL from your application, of course.