MySQL Script to automate creation of audit (history) tables and triggers


For regulatory and fraud requirements, we need to record every change to most of the tables in the DB. The way we did this very successfully with a previous project is to have a copy of each table, identical except that:

  1. 4 additional columns: DateChanged, UserId, Action (Create, Update, delete), and IP
  2. The Id pk no longer is unique.
  3. all other constraints (FK, unique indexes etc) removed.
  4. the audit tables are in a separate audit schema

At a previous job, the Oracle DBAs wrote a script to automatically generate all this, it did the following:

  1. Created a new schema called audit if not existing
  2. Iterate over each table t in the normal schema:
    1. created a new table in the audit schema with the same table name except prefixed it with a_, e.g. a_t
    2. Added all the same columns as the original table, plus the 4 additional columns (DateChanged, UserId, IP Address and Action)
    3. generated and added triggers to the original table (if not already there) to:
    4. If updating, write a new row to the corresponding a_ table, with action of "Update" containing the pre-updated (old) values in all the columns (the main table will have the new values)
    5. If deleting, Add a row which is a copy of the main tables row, but action = "Delete".
    6. If inserting, add the row to the audit schema


  1. All tables have a ID PK.
  2. A few tables need to be excluded for performance or because not needed (e.g. the balance table which is updated by a trigger)

The beauty of this system is you can query what changed and when, or who made changes to what, and see the record before and after the change. changes are at the DB row level, not the individual column level.

Has anyone come across something like this for MYSQL 5.6? We don't have a DBA on our team who could write something like this from scratch, but we know enough to modify something similar.

Best Answer

I just wrote this earlier today. It's a select statement working off the information_schema database, which produces the schema for the audit tables and the triggers.

SET GLOBAL group_concat_max_len = 1000;

SET @dbName = "[[[your_db_name_here]]]";

SELECT concat("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `", @dbName, "`.`", table_data.audit_table, "`;\r",
          "CREATE TABLE `", @dbName, "`.`", table_data.audit_table, "`\r",
          "  `auditAction` ENUM ('INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE'),\r",
          "  `auditTimestamp` DATETIME DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,\r",
          "  `auditId` INT(14) AUTO_INCREMENT,",
          column_defs, ",\r"
          "  PRIMARY KEY (`auditId`),\r",
          "  INDEX (`auditTimestamp`)\r",
          "  ENGINE = InnoDB;\r\r",
          "DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `", @dbName, "`.`", table_data.insert_trigger, "`;\r",
          "CREATE TRIGGER `", @dbName, "`.`", table_data.insert_trigger, "`\r",
          "  AFTER INSERT ON `", @dbName, "`.`", table_data.db_table, "`\r",
          "  FOR EACH ROW INSERT INTO `", @dbName, "`.`", table_data.audit_table, "`\r",
          "     (`auditAction`,", table_data.column_names, ")\r",
          "  VALUES\r",
          "     ('INSERT',", table_data.NEWcolumn_names, ");\r\r",
          "DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `", @dbName, "`.`", table_data.update_trigger, "`;\r",
          "CREATE TRIGGER `", @dbName, "`.`", table_data.update_trigger, "`\r",
          "  AFTER UPDATE ON `", @dbName, "`.`", table_data.db_table, "`\r",
          "  FOR EACH ROW INSERT INTO `", @dbName, "`.`", table_data.audit_table, "`\r",
          "     (`auditAction`,", table_data.column_names, ")\r",
          "  VALUES\r",
          "     ('UPDATE',", table_data.NEWcolumn_names, ");\r\r",
          "DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `", @dbName, "`.`", table_data.delete_trigger, "`;\r",
          "CREATE TRIGGER `", @dbName, "`.`", table_data.delete_trigger, "`\r",
          "  AFTER DELETE ON `", @dbName, "`.`", table_data.db_table, "`\r",
          "  FOR EACH ROW INSERT INTO `", @dbName, "`.`", table_data.audit_table, "`\r",
          "     (`auditAction`,", table_data.column_names, ")\r",
          "  VALUES\r",
          "     ('DELETE',", table_data.OLDcolumn_names, ");\r\r"
   # This select builds a derived table of table names with ordered and grouped column information in different
   # formats as needed for audit table definitions and trigger definitions.
     table_name                                                                      AS db_table,
     concat("audit_", table_name)                                                    AS audit_table,
     concat(table_name, "_inserts")                                                  AS insert_trigger,
     concat(table_name, "_updates")                                                  AS update_trigger,
     concat(table_name, "_deletes")                                                  AS delete_trigger,
     group_concat("\r  `", column_name, "` ", column_type ORDER BY column_order_key) AS column_defs,
     group_concat("`", column_name, "`" ORDER BY column_order_key)                   AS column_names,
     group_concat("`NEW.", column_name, "`" ORDER BY column_order_key)               AS NEWcolumn_names,
     group_concat("`OLD.", column_name, "`" ORDER BY column_order_key)               AS OLDcolumn_names
       # This select builds a derived table of table names, column names and column types for
       # non-audit tables of the specified db, along with ordering keys for later order by.
       # The ordering must be done outside this select, as tables (including derived tables)
       # are by definition unordered.
       # We're only ordering so that the generated audit schema maintains a resemblance to the
       # main schema.
         information_schema.tables.table_name        AS table_name,
         information_schema.columns.column_name      AS column_name,
         information_schema.columns.column_type      AS column_type,
         information_schema.tables.create_time       AS table_order_key,
         information_schema.columns.ordinal_position AS column_order_key
       FROM information_schema.tables
         JOIN information_schema.columns
           ON information_schema.tables.table_name = information_schema.columns.table_name
       WHERE information_schema.tables.table_schema = @dbName
             AND information_schema.columns.table_schema = @dbName
             AND information_schema.tables.table_name NOT LIKE "audit\_%"
     ) table_column_ordering_info
   GROUP BY table_name
 ) table_data
ORDER BY table_order_key
INTO OUTFILE "[[[your_output_file]]]"