Sql-server – XQquery for specific attribute of all specific elements in XML

sql serversql server 2014xmlxquery

I am, looking for a query to get all attribute values "NetAmount" of Element "PRODUCT" from the following samle XML:

 <CATEGORY name="A">
  <PRODUCT NetAmount="10.50"/>
  <PRODUCT NetAmount="20.50"/>
 <CATEGORY name="B">
  <PRODUCT NetAmount="30.50"/>
  <PRODUCT NetAmount="40.50"/>
  <PRODUCT NetAmount="75.50"/>

For my scenario it does not matter wether the XML is stored in a table or variable.

I tried several different approaches but all failed.


  NetAmount.value('(@NetAmount)[1])','varchar(250)') AS Products
    AS P(NetAmount)

I usually get the following error message that makes no sense to me:

Meldung 2370, Ebene 16, Status 1, Zeile 5 XQuery [value()]: Am Ende
des XQuery-Ausdrucks wurden keine Token mehr erwartet. Gefunden: ')'.

Best Answer

Almost get it:

    d.lin.value('./@NetAmount', 'decimal(10,2)') as Amount
cross apply
    data.nodes('ROOT/CATEGORY/PRODUCT') as d(lin);
| Amount |
| :----- |
| 10.50  |
| 20.50  |
| 30.50  |
| 40.50  |
| 75.50  |

db<>fiddle here