SQL Server XML Query – How to Query XML Data


My source data in a SQL Server table has XML structured data. For each of the source rows I need to query the following sample XML structure in a way that I get a calculated value of all A sub elements. For example the SUM of bb and product of cc * dd over all A elements.
The number of A elements in the structure is unknown.


I experimented with something like this, but it looks like not being the right way:

SELECT Convert(xml,myXmlCol).value('(/root/A[1]/bb)[1]', 'int') as MyResult FROM SourceTable

Best Answer

The below query uses this sample data:

Declare @xml1 xml = CAST('<root>
</root>' as xml);
Declare @xml2 xml = CAST('<root>
</root>' as xml);

Declare @data TABLE(id int identity(0, 1), x xml)
Insert Into @data values(@xml1), (@xml2)

It declares 2 different variables and insert in in a dummy table. This is only a table with 2 rows:

0   <root><A><bb>1</bb><cc>6</cc><dd>3</dd></A>...</A></root>
1   <root><A><bb>4</bb><cc>3</cc><dd>7</dd></A>...</A></root>


    , xml.node.value('./bb[1]', 'varchar(50)') as colBB
    , xml.node.value('./cc[1]', 'varchar(50)') as colCC
    , xml.node.value('./dd[1]', 'varchar(50)') as colDD
FROM @data d
CROSS APPLY x.nodes('/root/A') as xml(node)

It read each row from the table and extract XML data.


id  colBB   colCC   colDD
0   1       6       3
0   2       5       6
0   3       4       9
1   4       3       7
1   5       2       4
1   6       1       1

If can then be used with a GROUP BY:

    , SUM(colBB) as BB
    , SUM(colCC * colDD) as CC*DD
    SELECT d.id
        , xml.node.value('./bb[1]', 'int') as colBB
        , xml.node.value('./cc[1]', 'int') as colCC
        , xml.node.value('./dd[1]', 'int') as colDD
    FROM @data d
    CROSS APPLY x.nodes('/root/A') as xml(node)
) x


id  BB  CC*DD
0   6   84
1   15  30