SQL Server – View Default Value for User Defined Table Type Columns

sql serveruser-defined-table-type

I have a user defined table type in SQL Server 2014 that I need to drop and recreate. However, if I use the script from SSMS, the default value constraints that are on some of the columns, will not be created.

I also have problems viewing the default constraint, so I do not what the default value should be.

Is there a way to view what those default value constraints contain?

CREATE TYPE [Logging].[LogElements] AS TABLE(
[LogMessage] [nvarchar](MAX) NOT NULL,
[MessageTypeId] [smallint] NOT NULL,
[Origin] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[JobRunId] [int] NULL,
[InvoiceId] [int] NULL,
[AccountlineId] [int] NULL,
[MSErrorCode] [bigint] NOT NULL,
[LogStatusId] [int] NOT NULL,
[LogUser] [varchar](50) NULL


Above is the definition as it is created when generating script in SSMS. As you can see, the default values are not in the script.

Best Answer

Find your user-defined table type:

-- UDTT will have a 'TT prefix'
select * from sys.objects where type = 'TT' and name like '%LogElements%';

In my output, the object was called TT_LogElements_3A4CA8FD and had an object_id of 978102525.

Now we can use a script similar to Ryan Cooper's answer, by plugging that object_id into the WHERE clause, as the parent_object_id:

SELECT o.name AS [Constraint Name],
    cl.name AS [Column Name],
    s.name AS [Data Type],
    cl.max_length AS [Length],
    c.text AS [Default Value]
FROM sys.syscomments c
INNER JOIN sys.objects o
    ON c.id = o.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.columns cl
    ON o.parent_object_id = cl.object_id
        AND cl.default_object_id = o.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.systypes s
    ON cl.system_type_id = s.xtype
WHERE o.type = 'D'
    AND parent_object_id = 978102525;

This is my example output, which is fairly trivial to convert into a T-SQL script for recreating them.

[Constraint Name]               [Column Name]   [Data Type] [Length] [Default Value]
DF__TT_LogEle__LogSt__3B40CD36  LogStatusId     int         4        ((0))
DF__TT_LogEle__LogUs__3C34F16F  LogUser         varchar     50       ('Test')