Sql-server – SQL Management Studio – Add-on / Extension to view Column Data Type

pluginssql serverssms

Is there any way (built in) or free/paid add-on/Extension for SQL Management Studio that allows us to know exactly a data type of a column when we are writing a query?

In this specific project I have had situations where by looking a the query result I am not exactly sure of the datatype, if it is a number written in a nvarchar(max) column…. or if it is a tinyint, or int, or bigint, etc….

And I am spending so much time just to drill on the "tree list" to reach a speficic table and expand the Columns node to find out what am I dealing with….

A situation when you have bunch of JOINS (and allias) and sp_help <tablename> would require me always to go to some other query window and type more sql (table names)…. then it would be easier and faster just to have like a tooltip message of the column with extra info.

Best Answer

This is standard functionality of SSMS (and has been for a while, I tested in both SSMS 2014 and SSMS 17.2).

For example when you hover over a column the tooltip shows you the data type:

enter image description here

The intellisense autocomplete also shows the data type when you select a column with your up/down arrows:

enter image description here