Sql-server – Use sp_DatabaseRestore for restore when database does not exist

restoresql server

I am trying to use sp_DatabaseRestore from the SQL Server First Responder Kit to restore some databases. It works fine if I first restore the database in a normal way using SSMS, but if the database does not previously exist, it says that it could not find the file specified (for both data an log-files).

It also ends with the following message:

The database "DatabaseName" does not exist. RESTORE can only create a database when restoring either a full backup or a file backup of the primary file.

But the first path is for the full backup, so I am not sure what this means.

Is there some particular use of the parameters that would help me use this even when the database does not exist, or am I forced to create them first?

Any suggestions appreciated.

Code that is used (paths and names have been changed). The code fails if the database does not exist. If I create the database, then it works:

DECLARE @VersionDate datetime;
EXEC dbo.sp_DatabaseRestore @Database = N'DatabaseName',                                
                            @BackupPathFull = N'\\SERVERNAME\Backup\servername-wfcs$ServerNameAG01\DatabaseName\FULL\',            
                            @BackupPathLog = N'\\SERVERNAME\Backup\servername-wfcs$ServerNameAG01\DatabaseName\LOG\',             
                            @MoveFiles = 0,                
                            @ContinueLogs = 0,             
                            @RunRecovery = 1,              
                            @ForceSimpleRecovery = 0,
                            @Debug = 0,
                            @VersionDate = @VersionDate OUTPUT

Edit 2: Turns out there was a difference in the data-file folder names between the old and the new server. The old server had a version-number lower than the actual version of the SQL Server, probably due to an earlier in place upgrade. When trying to restore from a backup with correct data folder, there is no problem.

Best Answer

Turns out there was a difference in the data-file folder names between the old and the new server. The old server had a version-number lower than the actual version of the SQL Server, probably due to an earlier in place upgrade. When trying to restore from a backup with correct data folder, there is no problem.